Research groups
Alexander F Jeans
Clinical Research Fellow
Recent publications
Long-term depression links amyloid-β to the pathological hyperphosphorylation of tau.
Taylor HBC. et al, (2021), Cell Rep, 36
Homeostatic Presynaptic Plasticity Is Specifically Regulated by P/Q-type Ca2+ Channels at Mammalian Hippocampal Synapses.
Jeans AF. et al, (2017), Cell Rep, 21, 341 - 350
Is Parkinson's disease truly a prion-like disorder? An appraisal of current evidence.
Chauhan A. and Jeans AF., (2015), Neurol Res Int, 2015
Imaging synaptic vesicles using VGLUT1-venus knock-in mice: insights into the dynamic nature of intersynaptic vesicle exchange.
Padamsey Z. and Jeans A., (2012), J Neurosci, 32, 3284 - 3286
Increased expression of dysbindin-1A leads to a selective deficit in NMDA receptor signaling in the hippocampus.
Jeans A. et al, (2011), Neuropharmacology, 61, 1345 - 1353