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You said... we did

You said…

We did…

We want to know about University training

  • Recomended training listed monthly in newsletter
  • Take up will be monitored and personalised invitations sent to staff as a reminder

Research staff need a dedicated harassment advisor

  • Information about reserach staff rep included in newsletter

As carers, we need access to clear information and support

  • A Carer's support network set up in Pharmacology
  • Dedicated page on intranet links to guidance, networks and events

We would like more effective annual reviews

  • A new online system will be lauched in January 2025 to include career development conversations and with clear links to University P/CDR Toolkit.

We are not aware of development opportunities

  • Clear information sent to PIs and researchers about the promises in the Charter for Research Staff
  • 10 days of professional development a key element of annual reviews
  • Events and opportunities tagged in newsletter

Workload pressure is affecting our wellbeing

  • Regular links to wellbeing events and support in weekly newletter
  • Wellbeing room set up for staff and students

We want a say in Departmental decision making

  • Feedback forms in place to suggest items for Departmental meetings

Provide some guidance or example plan for academic careers

  • A careers workshops for postdocs and fellows including presentations from a range of female academic staff and guidance from the Careers Service
  • Ask all seminar speakers to give an overview of their career history including key transitions

Have more regular reviews of salary/grade scale to make sure women and men are treated equally

Grade reviews now included in annual development reviews and when new grant applications are made including existing staff

Offer funding opportunities for researchers

  • Workshops held on grant and fellowship applications.
  • Mentors identified for research staff making grant applications

Communicate opportunities better

  • More careers and training information in the weekly newsletter
  • Training and job opportunities shared via dedicated Teams channels

The process of actually starting work in the department could be more structured

‘Buddy’ scheme set up by Research Staff Society to support new members of staff

If it is possible would be nice to improve [the Department’s] appearance

Art enrichment project has led to permanent artwork exhibition, medicinal planting outside and on the Common Room balcony and cabinets of curiosity

Common resources eg core facilities

Three new pieces of communal equipment purchased and we are exploring two new purchases, led by feedback from the Departmental Meeting

More support for building team relationships and creating an open social atmosphere

  • Summer and Christmas events for all members of the Department
  • Staff and student networks created

Allow for more cross Department meetings and seminars

  • Staff and student reps involved in Departmental meetings
  • Research Staff Society presents termly as part of the Pharmacology Seminar programme

I feel as though I barely know or recognise other DPhil students. It would be nice to have casual socials to meet them

Pharmacology Society organises regular pizza and other social evenings.