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What's new

Collaboration in action - from a Pharmacology perspective

As part of the Medical Sciences Division's series on industry collaboration, Pharmacology's Associate Professor Sri Vasudevan shares the important of networking at conferences and listening to a range of views as vital building blocks that can lead to effective commercial partnerships.

Pharmacology scientist awarded Royal Society of Chemistry prize

Professor Angela Russell, who holds a joint appiontment with the Departments of Pharmacology and Chemistry, is one of four scientists from the University of Oxford who have won prizes from the Royal Society of Chemistry in recognition of brilliance in research and innovation. The awards are among the oldest and most prestigious research prizes in the world, having recognised excellence in the chemical sciences for more than 150 years.

New molecule found to suppress bacterial antibiotic resistance evolution

Researchers in the Lanyon-Hogg group in the Department of Pharmacology, in collaboration with the Ineos Oxford Institute for antimicrobial research (IOI), have developed a new small molecule that can suppress the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria and make resistant bacteria more susceptible to antibiotics. The findings have been published in the journal Chemical Science.

New study from the Akerman group reveals the developmental origins of higher-order thalamocortical circuits in the brain

A new paper by the Akerman Group is published in the journal Cell Reports this week and reveals how fine scale synaptic connectivity in the adult brain is shaped by events during embryonic development.

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