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At the meeting of the Editors of the British Pharmacological Society last December, the paper entitled “ Defining the ionic mechanisms of optogenetic control of vascular tone by channelrhodopsin-2” by Nils J G Rorsman et al. (DPhil student in Tammaro’s lab), published in the British Journal of Pharmacology, has been recognised as the  “Scientific Novelty” paper of the year and granted Nils the Early Career Researcher Prize 2018 by the British Pharmacological Society. Congratulations to Nils and his colleagues for this achievement

Rorsman NJG, Ta CM, Garnett H, Swietach P, Tammaro P. (2018)  Defining the ionic mechanisms of optogenetic control of vascular tone by channelrhodopsin-2. Br J Pharmacol. 175(11):2028-2045. doi: 10.1111/bph.14183

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